Wonder Women
July 21, 2023

County Commissioners Set Proposed $29.8 Budget

Two budgets were available for the commissioners – one with salary increases and one without the increases.
Budget 1 contains a six percent raise for county law enforcement workers funded via a state grant and no county employee raises. The second option is the same slate of numbers including the state-funded law enforcement salary increase along with a three percent across the board pay in- crease for county employees. The employee pay increase adds $200,000 to the general budget. The board also approved by a roll call vote of 4-1, a contract with KOFILE for pre-preserva- tion of Cooke County District Clerk records dating from 1848 to 1920. The original contract was signed October 11, 2021.
The item sparked a lengthy discussion at the June 26 com- missioners court meeting with commissioners taking no action -on project.

Autos, Life, Wonder Women
March 01, 2012

Muenster ISD Discusses Tech Issues, 2023-2024 Budget

The Weekly News MUENSTER – Muenster Inde- pendent School District Board continued to discuss the budget for the 2023-2024 school year and remains focused on technol- ogy, security, teacher salaries and other issues as summer break passes its midpoint. The June 14 regular school board included a report from Technology Director Jeff Presnall who updated the board on IT matters. words, 2-step verification, and He noted repairs continue on proper use of school email ac- various Chromebooks.

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Autos, Health, Wonder Women
December 21, 2010

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